Christian Unity – 1

February 9, 2009 by ·

Things Christians in local church have in common.

Christian Unity – 1

Abraham: Father of Faithful

February 9, 2009 by ·

Abraham in Romans 4, James 2 and Hebrews 11.

Abraham: Father of Faithful

8 – Serving God While Young

February 7, 2009 by ·

Joseph, David and others who faced challenges in their youth.

8 – Serving God While Young

7 – Habakkuk’s Search

February 7, 2009 by ·

The oft-puzzling works of God and the maxim “the just shall live by faith.”

7 – Habakkuk’s Search for Understanding

6 – Lot’s Choice

February 7, 2009 by ·

Modern lessons from Lot’s choice to settle in Sodom.

6 – Lot’s Choice

5 – Respect for God’s Word

February 7, 2009 by ·

Israel’s respect for God’s word ebbed and flowed across centuries.

5 – Respect for God’s Word

4 – The Way Forward

February 7, 2009 by ·

Vision, change and courage in progress; lessons from Israel’s complaints.

4 – The Way Forward

3 – Proverbs 31 Today

February 7, 2009 by ·

The role of homemakers in light of Proverbs 31.

3 – Proverbs 31 Today

2 – Faith of Abraham

February 7, 2009 by ·

The quintessential example of faith in action.

2 – Faith of Abraham

1 – Old Testament Overview

February 7, 2009 by ·

Purpose, limitations of Law of Moses; a tutor leading to Christ.

1 – Old Testament Overview

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