Truly I Say to You

February 12, 2009 by ·

Eternal truths about attitudes, behavior and our existence.

Truly I Say to You


February 12, 2009 by ·

The nature of temptation and the origin of it.


Death of Jesus

February 12, 2009 by ·

The fullness of times, Jesus’ anticipation of His death, the suffering of the final hours.

Death of Jesus

Moral Authority

February 12, 2009 by ·

Our moral authority to speak depends in part on our integrity.

Moral Authority

Clear Conscience

February 12, 2009 by ·

The importance of maintaining clear conscience; wrong way to deal with ailing conscience.

Clear Conscience

Miracles in the Early Church

February 12, 2009 by ·

Examining the special men, purposes and power related to miracles in the first century.

Miracles in the Early Church

Experience vs. Revelation

February 12, 2009 by ·

How personal experience and feeling have trumped objective Scripture among charismatics.

Experience vs. Revelation

Saying No to the World

February 12, 2009 by ·

Bible examples of saying “no”:  Abraham, Moses, Paul, Jesus.  How Satan urges us to say “yes.”

Saying No to the World

Implications of Resurrection

February 10, 2009 by ·

The resurrection of Jesus and its implications for all mankind.

Implications of Resurrection

Born Again Christians

February 10, 2009 by ·

New birth; death to the old man.

Born Again Christians

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