Sin Always Hurts Someone

February 23, 2009 by ·

An article on homosexual adoption spurs thought on “situation ethics” and theidea that something is wrong only if it hurts someone.

Sin Always Hurts Someone

Feelings of Inferiority

February 23, 2009 by ·

Subtle feelings of inferiority can hinder our service to Christ.

Feelings of Inferiority

Our Black Box

February 23, 2009 by ·

Our lives are being recorded for playback, just like the black box on an airliner replays the details of a flight.

Our Black Box

Why Religion?

February 23, 2009 by ·

Why do liberal theologians want to be theologians at all?  Why are some people who aren’t really religious, religious?

Why Religion?

Lessons from a Steamboat

February 23, 2009 by ·

Artifacts unearthed from the steamboat Arabia help us think about true treasure.

Lessons from a Steamboat

Buchanan Castle

February 23, 2009 by ·

Lessons on the brevity and fragile nature of life from the ruins of a Scottish manor house.

Buchanan Castle

Perfect in Christ

February 23, 2009 by ·

What does it mean to be “perfect”?

Perfect in Christ

Litmus Test

February 23, 2009 by ·

The preconceived notions of people often cause them to reject opportunities to study the Bible.

Litmus Test

Inhibition of Good Will

February 23, 2009 by ·

Suspicion and fear poison the climate of offering and accepting acts of kindness.

Inhibition of Good Will

Mind Games

February 23, 2009 by ·

There are many ways in which those who claim paranormal powers take advantage of the naive:  seances, tarot cards, magic, astrology, etc.

Mind Games

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